
Year of Hell

In roughly 12 hours, it will be exactly one year since I, and a number of my friends, were "transitioned out of" The Company in its first wave of layoffs. Although I eventually found employment in a much less stressful job at a much higher salary (making the layoff ultimately a Good Thing for me, as my friend DrHeimlich says it was for him), it took a six-month-long trek through dense clouds to reach that silver lining. It will be a while yet before my finances recover from the double whammy of living on unemployment insurance while having to pay the full freight on my medical insurance, and I don't think I will ever forget the punched-in-the-gut feeling from getting that figurative pink slip on Black Monday.

That said, I know that many of the others caught in that layoff and the two later rounds (not to mention those who pre-emptively departed for greener pastures before they could be likewise unwillingly "transitioned") had their lives disrupted a great deal more than I did, having to pick up and move, some with houses to sell and/or babies on the way. I'm thankful that I was able to find a new job locally, and that I didn't have to worry about the impact of my unemployment on anyone but myself.

To all of my former colleagues, here's wishing y'all a peaceful and truly happy new year in 2006, sans pink slips, job hunts, moves, or any of that bullshit. I miss you all.


TMac said...

Miss ya also.

The Information Officer said...

Glad to hear that after it all your doing better than you were this time last year.

it has turned out much the better for me as well.