

So, the big yard sale is finally over and done. Didn't sell any of the big ticket items, like that 5 cubic foot freezer that's been cluttering up my garage for four years ever since I bought a full-size upright. But I did get lots of customers and sold a lot of small stuff – $156.25 worth, to be exact. Taking out the $11.11 I spent on the newspaper ad, and I cleared $145, which is a nice piece of change in return for clearing out a bit of space.

I was so busy that I didn't even have a chance to snap a picture of the piles of junk plethora of marvelous bargains until a couple of hours into the sale, though as you can see there was still plenty left at that point:

The 145 bucks notwithstanding, I have to say it's probably the last yard sale I will hold; it's a heckuva lot of work. I'm going to try to sell some of the "big" stuff on Craigslist, and the small-but-good stuff on eBay; and the housewares are going to one of the thrift stores along with the clothes I cleaned out of my closet (but didn't attempt to sell). I am determined to finally get my car back in the garage this winter (it sat out for the last two), and that means I can't continue to store junk from year to year for a potential yard sale. Besides, a lot of this stuff has sat here through two or three yard sales without selling, and I think it's trying to tell me something.

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