
Now and forever

I'm still mulling over the sign I saw on the back end of a delivery truck a couple of days ago. It read:

Granite and Corian
Fabricators and Installers
Now, I've always thought of "Now Hiring" signs as a temporary sort of thing — you put one up when you need new or additional staff, and when you fill the opening(s), you take it down. But this was a permanent, painted adornment to the truck. I find it hard to believe that this company always has openings for fabricators and installers. More to the point, perhaps, I don't think I would want to contract with a company that did always have such openings to provide my kitchen countertops, because it would be a strong indication of excessive turnover and, hence, potentially inexperienced help.

I know a large expanse of truck panels is great advertising space, but IMO it would be better used for attracting customers. And advertising that you're perennially short on help isn't the way to attact customers.

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