
8 + 68 + 12 = Finally!

8 months, 68 applications, 12 interviews.

That's what it took this time to land a job. Three years ago, it was 6 + 46 + 15. Stark illustration of the state of the economy: 33% more time, almost 50% more applications, 20% fewer interviews. And the interview rate is actually worse than it looks; only 7 of the 12 were actual full-scale interviews, with the rest being "screenings" over the phone that didn't lead to anything more. Last time around, it was 12 out of 15. So, really, more like 40% fewer "real" interviews.

Oh, and it's a 10% pay cut compared to my last position. :-(

Nonetheless, it includes fully paid health insurance, ten holidays (first time I've ever gotten all the Federal holidays, like Veteran's Day), and a 401(k) that they pay 3% into whether I contribute or not. And the commute is no worse, and perhaps easier, than for my last job. So I can't really complain.

All that aside, I have to say that today was the oddest "first day on a new job" I have ever experienced.

I was told to arrive at 9 AM for "check in". I did so, and spent just one hour filling out paperwork, going over benefits, and getting assigned an email/intranet account.

At that point my new supervisor said that was all he had for me to do today, because the project I'm assigned to (technical writing/software documentation for an off-site client) isn't quite ready to start. He said I could go home, call him tomorrow around 1 PM (after the project's "kick-off" meeting), and probably my first full day will be Wednesday.

So, apparently I am on the payroll as of today, but have nothing to do until Wednesday. And next Monday is Columbus Day (one of those Federal holidays), so I'm off that day. Nothing like a low-key start on a new job.

1 comment:

DrHeimlich said...

Congratulations! I'm glad you're back "in the saddle" again.