
Paint project completed

In another dazzling followup post, I am proud to report that I finished my door-painting project yesterday. Second finish coat on the deck doors, two finish coats over the primer on the front door. After having brushed on the first coats last week, I got smart and hit Home Depot for a couple of mini foam rollers, a 4" model for the front door and a 2" one for the doors to the deck (which are are just a narrow frame around expanses of glass). Went much faster and made for a much smoother finish.

The lockset removals and reinstallations went more smoothly this time, with the procedures still fresh in my head. And you can barely make out the faint blue smudges on the beige living room carpet where the 2" roller landed when it flipped off the paint tray after I finished the front door.

No pictures yet for posterity because there's still painter's tape on the weatherstripping to keep the paint from sticking while it cures. But at least I now have one niggling job crossed off my endless To Do list.

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